Wednesday, 9 December 2015

HIIT it! #2

I can't believe it's December and a balmy 10 degrees out here in Toronto. Let's take advantage of it and HIIT it outside!

Just hanging out

Find yourself a park with monkey bars or rings. Run 3-5 laps around the park as a warm-up. We need 30 seconds on the timer and a 10 second break.

Negative pull-ups (place hands slightly wider than shoulders, jump up so your chin is above the bar and release down as slow as you possibly can)
High knees 
Hanging knee raises (hang on the bars/rings and lift bent knees towards your chest)
Mountain climbers 
Repeat 3 times

Then play around on the bars. How many times can you go back and forth? Can you skip a bar? If you can't do the monkey bars, can you hang on one hand for 5 seconds?

Finish with 5 more laps around the park and a nice stretch!